Coroner’s Office
121 Bell Street
Abbeville GA 31001
Honorable Janice B. Brown
Wilcox County Coroner
(229) 425-1411
The coroner’s major role in the investigation is to establish the cause and manner of death. The cause is the medical reason the person dies and the manner is whether they died as a result of a homicide, suicide, accident, natural causes, or in an undetermined fashion.
The Coroners office provides the following services for Wilcox County Residents:
To investigate deaths that occur in Wilcox County:
- As a result of violence
- Suicide or casualty
- Suddenly when in apparent good health
- When unattended by a physician
- In any suspicious or unusual manner
- After birth, but before seven years of age if the death is unexpected or unexplained
- As a result of an execution carried out pursuant to the death penalty
- When an inmate of a state hospital, or a state, county, or city penal institution dies